I was never aware of any racial correction for GFR throughout my career as a physician. Maybe there has been in the US but sweeping statements...
It is interesting to see others, faced with the same problem, who have not had the benefit of the lobbying that turned things around at NICE for...
I can see the interest in historical aspects of racial discrimination and their effects health but I also see serious problems with this...
How do you give advice ethically when you have no idea what to advise? There is no reason to think that there are any treatments that are other...
Probably much as I do - it is difficult to know what on earth it might mean. Thicker cortex usually means healthier. Maybe more intelligent people...
As far as I know we don't have any good data. There are two different questions though. One is whether PWME are more likely to have a mother or a...
Only a load of complete idiots would suggest doing what they have done. Maybe it is relevant that they come from a 'School of Health and...
There are an awful lot of not quite connections in this paper's rationale. Do PWME have demyelination? Not as far a we know. Why would an...
Another words whatever somebody wanted it to mean. Seems a complete waste of time.
The abstract does not say what 'classified with dysautonomia' means. I have no idea.
It depends on listening to the stars rather than gazing. Said to be more reliably unreliable. For 250 dollars you could get a prediction on the...
But it isn't even probably. Using GRADE on studies of this sort is invalid. It is a more a question of 'just about conceivable but unproven...'
I doubt it means anything. Antibodies to peptides are likely to be very misleading. In vivo antibodies recognise domains of intact proteins. It is...
Plenty of detail in the paper itself. They make a good case. I am still not sure that anyone should be surprised. More a question maybe of...
I have to admit that I never thought anyone thought there was rewiring - just what they are saying here. I wonder a bit if this is some trendy...
But what is 'a lot of reports' when you are using a gossip-based (word of mouth) system that will collect reports without any idea of denominator?...
Interesting to see that this is published in a journal that has been going for 102 years but nobody has ever heard of and all the authors now are...
I would have thought flattened hemidiaphragms meant overactive phrenic nerves - the phrenic nerve stimulate the diaphragm to pull downwards and...
I don't think the data suggest anything David. This is the very worst way to get maximum ascertainment bias and all you get- as they have got - is...
So has this 'trial' been through peer review of any sort I wonder? I think it is fine to ask for charitable donation but normally that is to...
Separate names with a comma.