Well having just eaten a coyo yogurt, I am glad I am eating to reduce inflammation. It says low fat yogurt but I believed low fat food often has...
Really impressed by the NYC demonstration. The repetition was great, involved everyone there. Just watching round the world from my bed. So sad...
Thank you @Jaime. Strong and very moving.:hug: Edit: the hug- I wanted to give you one when you finished speaking
But you try @Barry and that means so much. Your comments are extremely sensitive.
Thanks @Liv aka Mrs Sowester. Will try to listen to the livestream but will it be posted for a later listen? Good luck.
Thanks @Andy. Just glanced over them but couldn't see anything recorded re a discussion involving Carol and where/how her campaign is going. Is...
Does anyone know if the minutes of the Forward ME meeting that Carol Monaghan attended have been posted?
Betty Hough posted on several ME sites that Jen had crashed. She was interviewed on her sickbed. Will try to find a link. ETA: I think this is...
I have written to Nicky Morgan to thank her for her interest, as well as writing to ask my MP to sign the EDM.
@dave30th -thank you so much for visiting Alem during your time in Australia. I wasn't able to write before because I was stunned with sadness and...
Have we got confirmation from the police that they were involved and requested Wessely to install panic buttons? It was a very powerful 'story' in...
Remember that when Trudi Chalder was questioned under oath at the Information Commissioner's Tribunal and asked about harassment, she said she had...
i do feel we should be taking Carol's work forward in some way. Does anyone know if anything is planned? Sorry- just have to go to bed.
If people are asking their MP to sign the Early Day Motion, could they add this too?
I have written to my MP asking him to sign (with link) and to contact Carol Monaghan to express his interest in this issue. Also said that a...
Yes. Ron Davis has put out a call this week for regular monthly donations to OMF to increase reliable regular funding. In the past we have...
@Dx Revision Watch -Are you able to tell us @Charles Shepherd/ MEA's position on this? Is this a Cof M(chair) decision or that of the committee?...
Thanks to @Robert 1973. Apologies for not mentioning your song. Have been listening to it and posting about it for a little while now. Works...
Loved it. Interview with Jen Brea went deeper than usual clips. @Hutan's quote above is an example. It is hard to face all that we have lost and I...
Separate names with a comma.