Thanks @Andy. Will this be available for members to read before submission to Nice?
My reading on the forum has had to be curtailed recently but I have tried to read on this thread as often as I could. I may still be missing... This is a recent blog from Jenny Spotila on how to represent patients. Written under 5...
@Sly Saint Yes, in the US there are patients on the forums who are getting benefits from IVIG sometimes in combination with R'mab. It is expensive...
I would like a lot more work done on blood. Things like viscosity, blood volume, shape of red blood cells. My wish is to see if drugs prescribed...
In the context of ME, I also thought it a scandal that we cannot donate blood but we have a disease, to be treated according to Nice, by dealing...
@adambeyoncelowe Thank you for the date. I've incorporated it into the title.
Yes. I remember the S4ME discussion. I just think it's wise to be as accurate as possible. I was particularly interested in the info about Dr Jane...
Merged thread A report from Dr Myhill on the GMC, MAIMES and Dr Jane Barton-30th June 2018 A rather interesting insight into the GMC and its...
@Stewart - strongly agree that relationship with MP is best seen as an ongoing dialogue not a one off communication. @Barry- thank you for your...
@Andy- thanks.
Tried the link and it says the requested page can't be found.
Yes, and they don't want that looked at too carefully. Has he diverted us from actions that would have helped us more? In my view, in the light of...
My husband woke suddenly during the night on the day of the debate believing I had been cured. He was so disappointed it was only a dream...........
Thanks @strategist. An excellent strategic speech.
Ed Davey ( Libdem) was there and made the first speech after Carol's. A strong, strategic speech which hopefully will give the Dept of Health...
Ed Davey's constituent was me. The cardiologist actually said "pwme are mad but you're not". He thought he was complimenting me. Ed was shocked....
This is @Alvin quoting @dave30th . Have spent an hour with my MP this evening and given him @dave30th latest letter as well as many other...
Separate names with a comma.