It might improve with time, as supermarkets start restricting more and more items and prioritising deliveries for the elderly and vulnerable (who...
I couldn't get access (via Sci-hub) to the original research article posted in this thread. But I did manage to find a journal article by the...
But if the methodology is poor, there are lots of assumptions being made that avoid complexity, and the researcher is imposing their own...
Yes, 6 of us and one small bathroom and only the single toilet in an 'open plan' 70's new build house. For a lot of the 70's, 80's and 90's most 3...
I just bought this version (48 extra long rolls for £40), but I purchased it off Ebay (as you get buyer protection). It actually looks like proper...
I tried to look that up on Google, but couldn't find anything that said it couldn't be used like ordinary toilet paper. I did find some info that...
My food cupboard seems full of sweet stuff - jam, honey, maple syrup, baking ingredients (for cakes, biscuits, shortbread, fudge and jam tarts),...
There's over priced toilet roll on Ebay, but I might opt to try the bamboo stuff (available from UK suppliers on Ebay and internationally on...
I have an online Tesco slot booked for this Saturday morning. I was really hoping to find some toilet roll and soap, because I have enough food...
My local Tesco stopped 24 hour opening over a year ago. I don't see how this is going to improve stocks for customers (except the lucky few who...
Both of the Co-ops were out of soap, bleach, toilet rolls, kitchen rolls etc., as well as being only half-stocked with food. The Spar shop was...
It took me 3 days to achieve this trip out, I was hoping to go Monday and yesterday, but had to sleep. That's why I didn't put the trip off until...
It was an experiment - I've never, ever been in a supermarket at that time of day! I usually go in the evenings when it's quiet, and then only...
For Sainsbury's, it's currently just tomorrow morning.
Individually, the shop floor staff (including the pickers) are doing a great job under difficult circumstances.
I drove to the Sainsbury's in Taunton, early this morning. The only way I can be fit to drive is not to go to sleep at night (as I'm at my worst...
I guess that without testing symptomatic people or contacts, many will underestimate how many infected people there are in the community and how...
I'm not sure quite how to take it - it struck me as an unusual way to describe a doctor. It certainly makes her out to be more than an average GP,...
On the issue of evidence, I've read multiple posts on how much giving up their careers has devastated both men and women - I've not been struck by...
Because there is a vast difference between an initial (superficial) attraction and the deep sustainable attraction that is needed for a successful...
Separate names with a comma.