If they expect the public to understand this difference, they really don't grasp the diversity of the public. They need to give a single,...
This concept has been touted in the UK, but fortunately it hasn't taken off. I remember being horrified when I first read about it:...
Or we could move to bidet style toilets (using clean electric energy):...
Here's some links to information on some brands sold in the UK:...
Fiona Fox is giving a 'public lecture' on 30th March 2020 in Bristol, on 'Science in the headlines and why scientists should engage with the...
What's concerning is that this is the material that is being fed to (UK) medical students. Following the links from J Price's web page, I came...
This guy: https://www.neuroscience.ox.ac.uk/research-directory/jonathan-price Looking through his list of publications, it appears so.
I have been going through my old books from the loft and came across one on Psychiatry (bought at the time I was deciding on whether to go for an...
I suspect it's been set up by a carer (or small group of carers) to maximise their social care/NHS Continuing Care Personal Budget. They don't...
Taunton's my nearest main town and I've never heard of them!
Regarding acquiring warm but cheaper clothing, I'm not sure if you have the equivalent of 'Army surplus' stores in the USA? Here in the UK there...
Oh yes, I also used to wear my Icelandic knitted jumpers, handmade by my mum the traditional way with genuine Icelandic wool!
[IMG] [IMG] I'm in the UK, so I'm not sure what the above items are called in the US. Here we would call the first an 'emergency foil blanket'...
I'm currently helping someone try to get a home assessment (called a DV in the DWP guidance) for his ESA. The parliamentary enquiry above got...
I don't have time at the moment to give a summary, but here is a link to some useful information given to a parliamentary select committee [Edit:...
Looks like she was doing her psychiatry training at that time, in the Maudsley hospital:...
So the Pain Clinic is now where you go to have pain inflicted on you. I suppose it's in fitting with the name. Are we now living in The Upside Down?
See the below link for the General Medical Council's guidance on this:...
This is the old one used for DLA/AA:...
This is (was) only one of a large number of assumptions the DWP manuals 'coach' the ATOS, Maximus, and Capaita health care assessors, as well as...
Separate names with a comma.