Might be a bit too late, but I wonder if the ME Association would agree to do one of their regular polls on reasons for not returning a spit kit?...
I think the theory was at least partly inspired by the subset of people who've experienced overnight remissions. It's happened to me twice, and it...
That sounds promising. It's the sort of thing a pharmaceutical company might be interested in when they've got a very expensive drug but a rather...
I find that, as my physical health "improves", my brain symptoms always get worse. There is a small but real increase in my physical capacity...
I just snorted my drink down my nose at the thought of what the conspiracy theorists will make of this! Bit seriously ... it does sound...
@MSEsperanza has highlighted one of Brian's modules: https://universityofgalway.instructure.com/courses/8163 It ought to be an excruciatingly...
Thanks to David, Brian and Steve for a great article. It's interesting, isn't it, because in this case there has been no breakthrough discovery....
And in other news, my PIP review form has just arrived—hoorahh! I don't actually mind the form so much, it's the hanging on the chuffing phone...
The theory seems to go that cells which are in a metabolic trap can be released with the right stimulus. So if the right drug is identified,...
I was advised by the NHS to test on at least three consecutive days if I started having symptoms, so they could make a judgement call about...
Oh, it's much much worse than that. It's 20 metres. It used to be 50 metres under the old benefits assessment, Disability Living Allowance/DLA....
I was diagnosed with this, but as far as I know it's the form that only affects teeth. It was suspected when I started losing some of my permanent...
I've had the illness that long, but not the diagnosis. That took over 20 years. But by then I'd worked out I wasn't going to recover permanently...
I think this is a good approach if you're able to take it. It didn't ever occur to me that the cavalry might be coming, and maybe that's been...
Yes, I got a blank page with that because of the content blocker. It loads fine on Safari, though.
Presumably because they can get more research funding from government departments keen to look as if they're taking action to address long-term...
A good day is a less bad day, as @Wyva says. It's being out in my powerchair, wondering at nature, somewhere with few or no other people. Or it's...
An idle thought: might some of the advanced thermal imaging techniques available now tell us anything about differences in muscle function between...
I think its heart's in the right place, but some of it seems to be lifted from practice that isn't necessarily ideal for people with energy...
I had a really positive reaction to the original AZ vaccine (I felt great!), and a positive reaction to the Moderna bivalent. The Pfizer made no...
Separate names with a comma.