How to interview people with ME/CFS:
[MEDIA] Note that they sometimes use the term "economic" in a way that is a bit confusing: e.g. "This coupled with a strained economic...
I presume @Samuel is referring to CO-CURE. To join this announcement list, which is not as active as it was in the past, send an email containing...
The image that comes up may not be correct but I can't do anything about that. The link goes to a comment by Kirsi Örn who has posted the translation.
Copy and paste URL to see translation on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TomKindlonMECFS/posts/964184290396363?comment_id=964242563723869 A...
I just submitted the following comments. Thanks to @Sasha and @Graham for giving me feedback on an earlier draft. I am aware of another draft...
Thanks. I posted them to this thread:...
30th Dec post [MEDIA]
https://www.meaction.net/2018/01/15/the-public-testifies-about-me [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Not the same piece
Tom Kindlon https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28709432#cm28709432_73366 The average four-point change on the 0 to 100 physical functioning...
As discussed in this thread, my guess is Colin Barton sent it to Mark: https://www.s4me.info/threads/not-a-recommendation-alastair-miller-on-cfs.1685/
Posted by: "Dr. Marc-Alexander Fluks" Sent: Saturday 13 January 2018 10:46 To: LOCALME <localme@yahoogroups.com>; MEACTIONUK...
Separate names with a comma.