As you can imagine, getting a coroner to commit to putting ME is official cause of death is incredibly difficult. There are probably many listing...
Ok so official cause of death is the most important aspect on a death certificate. The causes of death are listed numerically. So, number 1 is the...
Doctors in general do not write the certificate. With ME it goes to inquest because of the nature of such cases and then it’s down to a coroner
There’s a huge difference between contributory and official when applied to a death certificate. To say there isn’t is quite ignorant. I’m not...
Which is different to what the person above means as they are referring to official cause of death being listed as ME on the death certificate. It...
It is true that Merryn is the second. Our family researched this extensively, we have had it confirmed with ME charities who have worked with us...
CAMHS replied to my email (though they didn’t actually fully address much of what I said so I have the feeling they received numerous emails and...
As Merryn’s sister, I’ve emailed them and sent it with links to information about her inquest and showing she has ME as official cause of death....
Hi I think i need to add this; me and my mum have had to beg MEA to share things about Merryn if we had done something (one media piece was our...
Thank you Barry, it sounds like you have a good MP who will hopefully try to do all he can to help. It is absolutely fine to use Merryn’s picture,...
That makes sense, I’d not even thought of that - honestly, useless with technology! Thank you very much
Thank you everyone for your very lovely comments. Barry, this is one of the reasons why I’ve shared it here as it lists the symptoms she found so...
Hi, I apologise if this is the wrong area to post this but this is our last formal statement as a family. I’m unsure how to get it to come up on...
I’ve left a comment on there as have others. Hopefully the person who wrote it will read them, and even if he chooses not to listen or believe...
Thank you @Sly Saint and @NelliePledge A comment on the link to the article itself states the person who wrote it is actually a GP. If that’s...
We had no idea of this article until it was sent to us by someone. We hope everyone knows we had nothing to do with such a poor piece of...
We had no idea of this article until someone sent it us but we are very unhappy they’ve put Merryn in it and then proceeded to write what they...
And if referring to the email, my apologies I thought you meant the interview, then this was an email that was forwarded to us by MEA that was...
I understand your point Nellie but this is quite a serious thing to say on radio or within the media but then not elaborate on further, especially...
Update: Well, I have to admit, I’m rather confused by the response given by Dr. Shepherd. He says he doesn’t want to give it any more publicity at...
Separate names with a comma.