@Tilly Please note that Jen was asked: "Jen, are you medically qualified to make statements like this?" in response to her statement: "Now I...
Note that towards the end of Page 2 of the CDC, 2001 document, it states: "ICD-10-CM "In keeping with the placement in the ICD-10, chronic...
Also see: History of coding of PVFS, BME and CFS in ICD to March 2001, CDC archived document: PDF: A Summary of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Its...
Just dropping this Twitter thread here: [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
[U.S.] The next Full Committee Meeting of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) is scheduled for November 13-14, 2019:...
[Also edited into Post #306] U.S. evaluation and preparation for adoption of ICD-11 for mortality usage and potential adaptation of ICD-11 for a...
Status of the publication of the ICD-11 CDDG: For ICD-11, the WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse has developed the “Clinical...
(As posted on Twitter today.) Although links for releases of ICD-10 Volume 1: Tabular List in html format are available online at:...
If you haven't come across the term "compensation neurosis" (and I haven't seen the term referenced in any papers I've read since 2010 discussing...
I have it on good authority that publication of the ICD-11 Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines for Mental and Behavioural Disorders...
Indeed, and that reminds me that I need to chase Dr Mathew Mercuri, the incoming Editor-in-Chief of JECP, for the status of my request for a...
The paper states: Reference 120 is for the paper: Budtz-Lilly, A.; Schröder, A.; Rask, M.T.; Fink, P.; Vestergaard, M.; Rosendal, M. Bodily...
But the DSM-5 has Somatic symptom disorder (SSD) to which ICD-11's BDD is conceptually aligned, and which is already being used in the U.S. and...
(Expand to display my highlighting) Note that the ICD-11 Bodily distress disorder (BDD) diagnosis can be applied not just to pain as a symptom...
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/dwp-pull-jobcentre-document-chronic-20538290 DWP pull Jobcentre document on chronic illness after disabled...
Be careful what you wish for... 2005-2006: http://www.erythos.com/gibsonenquiry/ http://www.erythos.com/gibsonenquiry/Report.html Inquiry into...
I don't have access to the full paper, but I would imagine what the authors are referring to are the ICD-10 Somatoform disorders:...
https://cmd.cochrane.org/our-scope What we cover The Cochrane Common Mental Disorders Review Group assists in the production and maintenance of...
No, sorry, I am retired now.
This is an important alert about a recent development with SNOMED CT terminology system. As some of you will be aware, I am now retired from...
Separate names with a comma.