What is #MEAction's position on the chair of Forward-ME's actions towards me of May 7 and May 9?
On May 24, in this thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/m-e-highlighted-at-the-71st-world-health-assembly.4286/#post-74782 M.E. highlighted at...
"psychological wellbeing practitioners"...
I've pulled up these links from the big MUS, PPS and IAPT thread on another platform:...
Leaving aside the content, there are in the region of 36 links in this document, which the authors are suggesting is printed off and sent to...
But what is being asked for in this initiative is for anyone to send that letter to any paediatricians. "We are writing to as many Paediatricians...
As Trish says: Nobody is being silenced by this discussion. Given the work I do on terminology and classification systems, I do not have the time...
June 2018 paper: Ziebold C, Goldberg DP, Reed GM et al (2018). Dimensional analysis of depressive, anxious and somatic symptoms presented by...
It does not exactly go in for consistency, either: "The primary care diagnosis of BSS will have far greater power in determining how ME patients...
@Dolphin As you are also flagging up this letter on Twitter, what is your position on this letter and its content, in the context of its target...
Then what is the purpose of its message? I pasted the text of this letter into a Word document. Without the images, it was over four pages long....
I was a parent of a child diagnosed with ME. The young man I care for ceased being under the care of a paediatrician 15 years ago. But if he were...
Some months ago, I flagged up this paper on Twitter and on another forum: Syndromes of bodily distress or functional somatic syndromes - Where...
I agree. I'm sorry but I think this is an ill-advised and poorly put together document. I have to say that I am surprised that Dolphin is...
@NelliePledge There used to be an All Party Parliamentary Group on M.E. The APPG on M.E. disbanded when Parliament dissolved for the 2017 General...
I also have a question for the reps of the Forward-ME membership organizations. The Countess of Mar sent her initial letter terminating our...
Extract: "The former DSM-IV somatoform disorder section mostly focused on the criterion that physical symptoms should medically unexplained (17),...
A Frozen release of the Beta draft was made on May 18 for quality assurance processes. This has not been posted on the Beta platform's Frozen...
"...term Bodily Distress Disorder, which is included in the beta version of the ICD-11 (24). However, this term may be abandoned in the final...
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00151/full ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Front. Psychiatry, 14 May 2018 |...
Separate names with a comma.