Since early 2017, Forward-ME has become involved in the following areas of coding, classification and terminologies: ICD-11 (Parliamentary...
Furthermore, the draft minutes would have been circulated amongst the org reps. Did none of them query the lack of clarity before they signed off...
Extract, Minutes, Forward-ME meeting, May 01, 2018: May 2018.htm 3.9 Dr Shepherd read from a letter of reply...
That personal letter to me, as published on the Forward-ME Letters page, on May 9, has not only been edited to remove the Parliamentary warnings...
With regard to the proposals of the Primary Care Consultation Group (PCCG) for Bodily stress syndrome (BSS): I have been reporting on...
Well, @Dx is retiring in September, so you will all need to keep a very close eye on future developments with ICD-11, SNOMED CT and its National...
Extract from Minutes, Forward-ME meeting, May 01, 2018: 3. Questions and discussion 3.1 The Chairman asked if Forward-ME could invite a...
This is the third in a series of posts about SNOMED CT: Post #3 Inclusion of ICD-11's Bodily distress disorder Post #1 Introduction to SNOMED CT...
Brief update on the status of the June release of an initial version of ICD-11: According to WHO's Dr John Grove (Director, Department for...
Another consideration is that ICD-11 will be translated. There are at least 42 translations for ICD-10 and eponyms do not lend themselves to...
So ICD-11 would not consider any proposed "Ramsay disease" either as an ICD Concept Title (the category to which the code is assigned) or as a...
SNOMED International's position on eponyms: ------------------------------------...
I've been through this many times before on other platforms: WHO/ICD-11 position on use of eponyms: ICD-11 Content Model Reference Guide:... (...) Current members of the IAFME are: ACAF -...
Don't agree it implies they are members. Their commentary states: "The letter has the support of organisations (such as Forward-ME) and...
I think this is quite an important question that needs clarifying, especially as #MEAction is now a member of Forward-ME and has a rep attending...
Another question to add to Andy's: How is policy formed within #MEAction? On a global basis or on a country by country basis, and by whom?
Forward-ME has recently become a member of the IAME/IAFME. The organisation members of Forward-ME are...
Not a good choice of stock photo, either. Four pieces of jewelery, carefully manicured fingernails, freshly washed hair, clean sheets, young...
The Open Letter to the new WHO Director-General (CC Dr Svetlana Akselrod, Assistant Director General for Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental...
Separate names with a comma.