New post on my site: Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines (CDDG) for ICD‐11 Mental, Behavioural and Neurodevelopmental Disorders June...
To demonstrate how expansive this new Chronic primary pain category block has become, I've pasted screenshots, below, of all the categories that...
As I've probably mentioned earlier in this thread, the original IASP Task Force position paper describes Chronic primary pain as (my emphasis):...
It was pet hypotheses, also, that resulted in Somatic symptom disorder for DSM-5 and the very similar, Bodily distress disorder for the core...
Off topic, but I had a general anaesthetic in 2012 for a minor op. As I was coming round in the recovery bay in the company of several other...
There's another one where for one of the tasks, the person being tested is asked to draw a clock face, put the numbers on and then draw the hands...
Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) Questions from page 4: also:...
The proposal above has been edited to include the following: Rationale This submission represents the consensus of the IASP Task Force...
Hi Esther12, I'm not a stakeholder in, nor an advocate for Fibromyalgia. I cannot say to what extent these proposed changes, submitted today,...
ICD-11 Fibromyalgia: a new proposal for a Change of Title, Change of Definition was submitted on June 26, 2019, via the ICD-11 Proposal...
I cannot confirm whether Christine Harrison has indicated any alternative channel for submitting feedback. But she is a member of Forward-ME in...
Christine's BRAME org webpage:
NB: Pervasive refusal syndrome is more recently referred to as Pervasive Arousal Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). Neither term has been included in...
Or severe "deconditioning"?
Pervasive refusal shite, probably.
I find the summaries of Minutes for Forward-ME meetings are often ambiguously written. These Minutes will have been circulated to members for...
At the risk of becoming an ICD-11 bore...for anyone interested in how Interstitial cystitis is described in ICD-11:...
Page 33 ICD-10-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meeting September 11-12,...
(Click on ME Association's response for other responses from ME Association in this thread.) [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Agree. The article states, and the young lady is reported as saying that she has "chronic fatigue" - not "chronic fatigue syndrome."
Separate names with a comma.