I know of one child with quite acute OCD, which came to a head after his grandfather died.They were very close and in part he attached blame to...
Perhaps the Jill James and Yasko research should be considered - if detox pathways are compromised genetically, and these genes are expressed,...
Again, this
Yes. And children may be motivated in different ways, depending on their relationship with the authority figure.
Or given the way LP works, would the LP cohort not be " feeling better" and have the need to remain engaged. Is that not how brainwashing works?
When is waiting list a control ? I thought the validity of this approach had been debunked GIGO
Are Afme no longer forum members - tagging doesn't t seem to work
My daughter has to " do something" when listening , she can't simply listen. ( Ironically she says it doesn't go in if she just listens)
Simple risk assessment - risk x likelihood of adverse effect It would no doubt be illuminating to see any of those for BPS input.
He is in good company. Jane Colby is invariably edited out too.
I have just forwarded the link to my eldest daughter for her to forward on to her friend who us currently training to be a GP. @Adam pwme ' s...
MEAction piece talks of UK - but NICE guidance per se does not apply in Scotland ( although things tend to get extrapolated for numerous...
Great videos. Graded exercise concisely explained. Perhaps a good resource for @PhysiosforME Thank you ETA drafted am, posted pm, crossposted...
Thanks Andy this is interesting. My father in law has been diagnosed wih LBD which was explained as dementia with Parkinsonian traits. Gait is...
It does put UK charities in a relatively poor position comparatively?
A great interview Andy. It was wonderful to see how passionate Heidi is .
I'm so glad you have persevered and hope that things improve for you soon.
Separate names with a comma.