(That's why I'm here: I used to be able to read and interpret such data and synthesise ideas (ie from multiple sources and studies) to see the big...
It's worth making a distinction between the researchers and the articles. Research in a grad student setting is all about getting funding and,...
Let me know if you get any info on this when you have it checked?
I think a useful exercise for all those embarking on an experiment is to list all your assumptions before you start. Then give that list to...
I am usually cold since ME/CFS. Extra cold when sicker. (ETA: for example I wear 5-6 wool layers, a hat and a wind proof on a bright summer day...
Large volumes of hot/warm drinks speed the gut. So I guess you could use that to advantage if that's the problem. I find not eating helps slow...
Yes but diarrhoea more often than constipation. ETA Not just mild but full blown, gastroenteritis symptoms
Seems far too precise to be 'the answer'. I guess it's just an attention grabber. But I am curious as I've not yet read enough to have heard about...
This might be too simple a question (in too many words), please, complier, feel free to skip or critically edit: What would be your advice to...
Peer review is like the quote from Churchill on democracy: It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others...
As a student I took Bliss (developed by a local university at the time though I think it's been sold to a company now - not sure how budgeting...
I like the story of how the spoons thing started. I like how it relates a common broad experience of limitations that is recognised and shared in...
(Um, I may be misunderstanding your question but) isn't the blue/cyan/teal colour on figure 5 the healthy controls? is that what you're asking?
most important: stop caring. Most people like you better for not showing them up. So long as you don't smell or scare small children, a smile is...
I've never "dried" my hair, never have mirrors in the house (a window with light behind you suffices to check you haven't put your undies on your...
I have a lot of trouble with my teeth, especially since ME/CFS (ETA: tho I can't say that this means anything for any other PwME). I went to...
I'm very interested in this auto inflammatory lead. Please continue. (On a purely personal note: I'd especially like to know about any blood tests...
I'm at my first year now. When I try to list my symptoms I always forget the most important one(s) and go on and on about any minor niggles....
I'm looking for the M.E. Moments thread on PR, or here, and can't find it anywhere. Is it my brain or is it gone? Miss it.
I take it you have the help you need. Let me know if more is needed?
Separate names with a comma.