It just occurred to me that this seems to have started a long time ago but I don't recall anything being published yet. Part of the project, IIRC,...
If he wants to get the word out I think he should consider reducing the price of this ebook (not available in paper, though it easily could be)...
I doubt that Chris Ponting follows the forum closely - you might want to email him (and it was a good idea to bring this to his attention).
Well done, @dave30th.
The website auto-detects whether or not your MP attended the debate and provides you with a message accordingly.
It's a long time since I really seriously overdid it but when I did, I noticed that the timing of the PEM was different - but I can't remember...
Thank you for answering posts. I was hoping that you might answer this post of mine (#74), which got 13 'likes', indicating that others were also...
Was it the CDC who removed CBT and GET from their toolkit but failed to tell any of the doctors in the US that they'd done so? Very disappointing...
This is an interesting idea. Is anybody doing anything like that? If not, can we get it proposed and/or put out to tender by one of the charities...
I'd love someone to invent an actometer that measures when you're horizontal. That would be hugely informative for PWME.
Yes, exactly. @Action for M.E., can you please point us at detailed information on your sources of income, that is, how much money comes from each...
@Jonathan Edwards, on p. 15: Funding sources The principal funding sources for Action for M.E. are charitable trusts, community fundraising and...
See p. 14 of this annual report for 2017/18:
Current medical advisors are Prof Julia Newton and Dr Gregor Purdie: I can't see... Edit: This is yesterday's 8:30pm programme but seems to be the wrong one. Can anyone find a link to the...
I don't remember anything about this - did I miss an announcement? Can you say more? If the MRC are putting out a call for biomed proposals then...
Just wanted to belatedly thank everyone involved in this - not just on the day, but in all the years of hard work that led up to it! Patients...
Full debate on YouTube: [MEDIA]
I want to watch the start live, because this is a historic moment for us... and I'm taping the whole thing. :)
@Action for M.E. - I'm not well enough currently to read much and so haven't read the original document and have been able only to scan Trish's...
Separate names with a comma.