Thanks - that's very interesting. I don't think I've had all of that done.
What would that look like? Wondering if I've ever had one.
Really?! That's a big step forward, and I'm really pleased to hear that IiME have taken it. Looking forward to seeing the videos! I seem to...
Thanks Andy - do you mean they'll be posting a link to buy the DVD (rather than posting the video footage)? Their usual thing is to allow...
Does anyone know if there's a DVD of the conference to order? I had a look at the IiME website but couldn't find anything.
Actually, this is reminding that I did go into a major remission but it wasn't instantaneous with a specific treatment.
Actually, I've never experienced that in over 30 years of being ill - certainly not instantaneously, if that's what the traction test is doing....
Thanks for explaining - I'd misunderstood your concern. That sounds like a way forward.
I'm mostly absent from the forum now but just swinging by to congratulate you @JenB! This is fantastic news. I'm so happy for you. :balloons: I...
This is a really superb and impressive video from Sheffield.
I look considerably younger than my age but I've always assumed that that was because of lack of UV exposure, because I have been mostly...
Your instructions were better, though! :)
Very powerful demo - great idea, @JaimeS!
Sometimes I need to click on the speaker icon to unmute the sound (some things auto-mute it).
@dave30th - this front end of BU's reply is revealing: In your emails of 4 and 29 April you ask several questions, most of which do not relate to...
Was there any video from the San Francisco event?
Excellent report by Ryan. Great that this is on the front page at CNN.
Hi @Notjustfatigue - So is the call for donations solely based on a medical student saying: "Several investigations have demonstrated the...
In practice, I think that standardising wake and sleep times for a PWME is extremely difficult. I can set my alarm to wake up but might feel so...
Is anyone planning on doing any of this stuff?
Separate names with a comma.