Could it be hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)? There are loads of different causes for hypoglycemia and there are pages galore on the web with lists...
Could you expand on what CME, PT, and OT stand for, please.
Have you considered buying boxer shorts for men and just stitching up the front? I don't know how good the fit would be since women have bigger...
Search online for "boxer shorts for women". There are some on this page, for example : And you might...
Try Marks & Spencer. I bought some high-waisted plain white knickers about a month ago, was overly-pessimistic about the size I needed, and ended...
Sorry, still don't like it. :whistle: ;)
I had never come across the phrase "energy envelope" before I started reading about ME. Although I understand the phrase I don't think it is very...
I read an article years ago about this being offered abroad, I think it was somewhere in Asia, during private treatment for drug addiction or...
I can't bring myself to read it, but here is the whole paper from sci-hub
Appalling and sadistic torture of children by doctors and parents. Why is this even legal?
This is a common symptom in people who have cortisol problems, such as having too low or too high a level. However, it isn't possible to guess...
Would it be possible to put the sheets you need into a sealed plastic bag then put them in the fridge or freezer for a couple of hours. Then you...
My emphasis. This is the bit that has always baffled me. How can people be ideologically opposed to a system which treats (or attempts to treat)...
I would guess it almost certainly does. The majority of diplomats are probably men and are therefore much more likely to be believed about...
I'm such a Luddite I had never heard of Tin-Eye before either! I did remember to google that though. :D
A bit like I imagine wallpaper paste to taste, to be honest. I used to flavour it with weak Ribena or blackcurrant and apple squash just to make...
Thanks for that. I've never seen that meme before, never heard of Pablo Escobar, nor have I heard of or watched Narcos, so I had no chance of...
Err... What? That isn't Sharpe, so I'm clearly missing a joke somewhere.
An anecdote : Several years ago I increased the amount of soluble fibre I ingested by taking psyllium seed husk powder in lots and lots of water...
You can buy oatmeal in Waitrose : It is...
Separate names with a comma.