This is just for interest - I'm definitely NOT recommending this, so please don't try it at home! In people who are otherwise healthy but have a...
A very good video presentation, easy to understand, and I found it useful. Please note that towards the end the presenter stops talking but there...
I'm from the UK. I say PEM as a word, I don't spell it out.
Merged thread Article continues here :
With the talk of banishing people aged 70+ to stay in their own homes for four months I actually wonder what the score will be at the end of that...
My addition to the above three criteria : Whether the concept is useful to patients is of no interest or relevance to anyone so don't worry...
I was in Lidl today, around 6pm, and it was the most packed I've ever seen it. I wondered what the logic of that was in relation to the virus...
For finding a gas bottle supplier this link might help : Camping shops may be a good source. It is...
Years ago my husband and I had a three bar fire which ran off a large calor gas bottle. We just used it as an extra source of heat on top of the...
An interesting article dated 31/01/2020 about the US response to coronavirus :...
I just read this twitter thread about the situation with coronavirus in northern Italy : [MEDIA]...
I never cease to find it amazing that so many members of the medical profession manage to make a living out of being useless diagnosticians. Not...
How can ingesting fat make you exhausted?
I see that FND Portal overcomes his/her lack of replies to his/her tweets by replying to him/herself over and over and over again.
They've largely solved the problem of autopsies showing up that the doctor was wrong and the patient was really ill by cutting down dramatically...
In my opinion... Any patient who is classed as being a "doctor-shopper" by an average doctor is disliked because doctors don't like to believe...
Me too. I won a ballpoint pen and a certificate. The competition was run by or sponsored by the pen company Platignum. The pen never worked! I...
I've had an intermittent problem for years with writing, that is getting worse the older I get and the less practice I have at it. (I have very...
For the article about endometriosis it starts at 22:58.
Because I'm permanently unwell (I'm not bedridden, but I am frequently housebound) I struggle with cleaning my house. I'm not, and never have...
Separate names with a comma.