Daily Mail coverage of this: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-5522831/Could-cause-chronic-fatigue-syndrome.html Some good: Some mixed...
I must have missed it. Just realised I've now been listening to Austalian local radio for nearly an hour. Thanks for posting, it has reminded me...
Ta Simone - did I miss this, or is it yet to start? Seems to be something else right now.
There are some really poor MH advocates currently being promoted, but some good ones around too, and it does seem that a lot of the concerns we...
It's from the Wilshire et al. recovery paper: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21641846.2017.1259724?scroll=top&needAccess=true
Sharpe linking to that site was probably a result of this article, which briefly mentioned PACE in a discussion about antipsychiatry/criticism of...
Just letting people know that this now seems out of date, as it looks like it was written to try to get NICE to agree to update their guidelines,...
It's good to try to take the time to criticise one another's ideas and work (I know I'd be talking utter nonsense if it wasn't for other people's...
Also, LOL at this mentality: "The analysis has not been validated by publication in a peer-reviewed journal or other means." The data was...
Nervous, but fingers crossed.
I think that biopsychosocial style approaches are being increasingly promoted for a wide range of conditions that can be put in the 'MUS'...
Yes, but it can be quite complicated. Also, for CFS there's more of a problem with a centralised authority deciding it would be best for CFS...
A medical system providing healthcare on the basis of need, funded out of general taxation. It does seem that doing that requires systems to...
I'm fine with the NHS being slagged off a bit. There are lots of ways that it's better than the US system, but it has been pretty terrible with...
Awesome. Wonder if Archives of Disease in Childhood is doing a special issue on CFS?
That response came before the PACE trial results, but it does give me the perfect excuse to link to another annoying thing from Professor Peter...
Thanks for posting, I missed the start when it was live.
I just came upon QMUL's 2011 press release for PACE, and thought it was worth posting the headline given the way in which there now seems to be an...
A bit OT, but as this BACME 2011 write-up of PACE is now only available at the internet archieve, I thought I'd post it here so it might turn up...
This stuff isn't 100% clear cut on "due", but worth citing and shows the influence of PACE imo. This MEA news piece:...
Separate names with a comma.