But surely that doesn't happen in other diseases. No matter how likely someone is to die soon, they should stlll be provided with nutrition and...
What is DBT?
I think one reason they found it hard to recruit sufficient ME/CFS patients was their insistence of a diagnosed infectious trigger, and less than...
I have received the following from AfME: I can't help contrasting the prompt acknowledgement and clear document outlining their procedures with...
I have added it.
I think energy management is an OK term mainly because it's a contrast to treatment, which was the old appoach. Nor is it rehabilitation,...
Sadly there was one outlier, in the offensively inappropriate Observer/Guardian article by Alastair Miller, written about by David Tuller Article...
My experience of CBT was similarly unhelpful. The eagerness to tell people they are thinking wrong things and should think other allegedly more...
Thanks again everyone, I've got over it. You know how we often think afterwards of something we wish we'd said in a difficult situation. I...
I think there is a huge problem with trying to make analogies between computers and living cells and organisms. There must be many orders of...
But haemoglobin is inside red blood cells which in turn are inside capillaries. There is no way I can see that haemoglobin has meaningful...
PEM involves, as Jo says, significant increase in symptoms. It also includes significant reduction in the ability to function. If you imagine the...
I have been looking for relevant articles to learn more about the myoglobin and oxygen getting from blood into cells. So far I've found these,...
Direct link to the article. https://www.theguardian.com/wellness/2024/apr/30/cbt-cognitive-behavioral-therapy-ocd
Thanks, @bobbler.
For the record and so as not to take this thread further off topic, I have posted the whole of my conversation with Greenhalgh on Bluesky here:...
A reaction to Prof Trish Greenhalgh ackowledging that PEM is not deconditioning and LC clinics are using pacing not GET. See this thread:...
I agree. I wish the NHS would understand that. Any chance of the government delivery plan recommending that, or even mandating it? But it would...
Reminds my why I usually avoid posting on Twitter and now bluesky. Back to the safety of S4ME.
Well that went well (not). Greenhalgh has just accused me of trolling her. I'm feeling surprisingly upset.
Separate names with a comma.