Invariably my PEM starts at 4 hours. Sore throat, cold and sleepy. Usually I perk up after a couple of hours but I have sore weak muscles the next...
I know. Another BBC article misrepresenting bad news as good. Presumably they just repeat what spin sheet they are given. At the end of the...
Firstly I don't have a lot of truck with some of Dr Myhill's views especially around vaccinations. However when I first got ill and worked out by... Martha Hancock. I guess she has had her time in the...
Much appreciated. Thanks all those involved for their work and determination.
As an experienced parent of teenagers I know what is right for them and this kind of objective meddling (probably funded by the games industry)...
This is almost a koan. Is it better to have a clinic run by someone informed but wrong, or by someone who hasn't a clue. To those of us who have...
Separate names with a comma.