[ATTACH] Here's Supplementary Figure S8B. It's the one that supposedly relates to the effort preference for the CPET study. I don't know what...
This makes me a bit angry. From the Supplementary Information Page 8 Clearly the ME/CFS participants were reporting a lot more disordered sleep...
First off, it's important to note the small sample size. For these basic investigations, they've mostly all been done before, and generally...
Good: Nothing, not even CBT and GET, are regarded as effective disease modifying treatments. So, that's helpful. Bad: Matching They claim that...
I guess there's Paul Garner too, who got Long Covid and has since signed a range of BPS papers.
Terrific stuff. Carol Monaghan is a star. Also well done to @NelliePledge for her work getting more organisations, like the APPG, on board with...
Thanks @Andy, fixed
Decreased NO production in endothelial cells exposed to plasma from ME/CFS patients, Bertinat et al (2022) It's past my bedtime, too late to think...
Prolonged acetylcholine-induced vasodilatation in the peripheral microcirculation of patients with CFS 2003 Khan, Spence et al A thread on a...
I felt the need to double check the year in the title - this paper could just as easily have been written now, in 2024, not 2004.
"Somatic symptoms" - always hard to know if words mean what they are supposed to, or if they have a meaning that is almost the opposite of that....
Sorry, fixed now
The paper and related issues are discussed in a brief communication, perhaps an editorial: The value of patient-reported outcome measures for...
I note the last two sentences of the abstract: Our findings show a disconnect between disability worsening and PROM change in this population....
Abstract Background: Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are often used in clinical research, but little is known about their performance as...
Yes, this. That's a very interesting paper. I'll make a thread for it. Thread here.
I'm not sure this has net value though. It might be better than the Chalder questionnaire, but, when we say, this still isn't great, we want...
You are, of course, right. I used the 'e.g.' slightly wrong. 'i.e.' would have been closer to my intent. I meant the main UK ME/CFS charities,...
I've checked, I'm pretty sure I didn't make a mistake. The title isn't perfectly the same, but the page numbers in the Australian Medical...
Out of nowhere, somatoform disorders makes a showing: There's nothing in this paper to support that contention. They note that the people who...
Separate names with a comma.