Preferably with different authors.
[MEDIA] :rofl: :laugh: :rofl: :laugh: :rofl: :laugh: :whistle: :rolleyes: :arghh: :rofl: :eek: :rofl: :sick: :rofl: :yuck:
I did already. :)
You and me both! ;) We have a wasp problem at home that is doing my head in, so in an over-vigilant state all the time. Hopefully they will...
The Figures (1 and 2) I put up are for the Cochrane CBT Review. Blakemore was commenting on the GE Review being temporarily removed. I've not...
If you open those charts in the Figure Viewer you get to see all the Graphs too.
Chrome. I wonder if they only allow computers in UK to access the full paper for free? Though they do offer it in Spanish as well apparently....
It then goes on to Authors' conclusions, Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion. It's a very long webpage. Figures 1 and 2 are...
I've got the full paper (I think) from this URL: Unfortunately I...
I tweeted Sinéad Conneely... Not sure if I can get the Twittery stuff to work other than as copy and paste. :oops: Sinéad Conneely @phrenohead...
Just got it, it all 5 pages. Might be worth trying again? Or PM me your email and I'll try send it.
I was surprised to see this from ME Research UK as I thought @Action for M.E. did the minutes? Doesn't really matter who does them, they should be...
They missed a trick though! ;) Where's Creepy Crawley? ;)
Occasionally I have very vivid dreams, but I've never linked them to food. Maybe I should start to think about that! Last night I had a dream...
Oh gawd, that's not going to help Liverpool ME patients! :emoji_scream_cat:
Or maybe they rounded it down to try and avoid anger from tax payers as well as patients.
Might it be worth asking DWP how much they funded to the PACE trial? Though I expect they won't have a clue, they don't seem to have a clue about...
@Tilly, saddened so much by your difficulties over your son's disease. :cry: While I don't have that experience, I can imagine at least a bit how...
I've put it on Twitter for what it's worth. ;) I begin to feel like I live in Wales these days - had Feb and most of March here, then back the...
@Andy, I can see your comment on FB, and I'm not one of your FB friends. There are currently 43 FB comments, many of them have large amounts of...
Separate names with a comma.