On German news every evening they quote the Johns Hopkins statistics, which come out at around 18:30 daily, just in time for the news. The Robert...
I was encouraged by my Dr to "doctor shop", ie he suggested helpfully that I was free to go elsewhere if I wanted to. I told him I wasn't going...
Another classic line from the BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-51915302 On the German news tonight they said that although the European...
Interviewing ten blokes with a few snaps is not science. They really don't need to do it on my account. The use of "masculinity and identity...
Before I had ME I used to go to the supermarket at lunch-time. No right-thinking German goes to the supermarket at lunchtime, so I usually had the...
This can be contrasted with what the BBC were saying yesterday: Which is a milder formulation of what they originally claimed, and are now...
Bath half marathon to go ahead despite coronavirus fears https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-bristol-51887950
New post from Kekule today: https://www.kekule.com/ The 6 rules of the pandemic are not translated yet, so I've translated it below. I've sent...
She's not the first person to say that to Sir Simon. Hopefully she'll fare better than the rest of us.
My ME started with a 6-week headache. Then for the first 3-4 years I would get 2-day headaches if I overdid things (or longer if I continued to...
My approach since getting ME is not to go near any GP I'm not sure I can manage. By which I mean if I want tests done, they do them or refer me to...
I've only just twigged why - it's because any stories of adverse outcomes would encourage false illness beliefs in all patients, which is exacty...
Untangling is the last thing they want to be doing, the whole thing relies on smokescreens, changing definitions and concepts, and general...
Quite. He wrote this piece, which we discussed: https://www.s4me.info/threads/me-association-magazine-summer-2019.10788/#post-191812 He popped...
I think they originally wanted "Muhaha" but it was already taken by this guy: [MEDIA] So they just went with the next best thing they could...
I tried CQ10 for a few days some years ago, and convinced myself that it was blowing my head off, by which I think I mean it made my brain even...
How on earth do you even define or measure positivity? The whole field of personality characteristics is complete hogwash anyway. Is the mood the...
He could have taken his own advice instead of passively accepting that a postive attitude makes a difference just because somebody said it.
Even Stephen J Gould, in the Median isn't the Message, included this pile of shite: https://www.cancerguide.org/median_not_msg.html It's just...
Separate names with a comma.