Good to see the involvement of Professor Tyson. Hopefully she can help get the message out to her profession.
Presume this is the statement on behalf of the Scottish Government in closing the debate rather than an SNP policy statement.
$97….. to be bombarded with marketing
All the best @josepdelafuente
I’ve had Covid once and I will still wear a mask if I have to go into crowded space as even though it wasn’t severe I don’t want it again as I...
It’s still ongoing so the focus of project should be and no doubt is on what could be done to expand publicity, coming up with ideas and the...
I think it’s correct that pacing is not just breaking activities down. I call that micro pacing. The first level correctly highlighted by Hutan...
I don’t know the ins and outs of patient recruitment but I think having 17,000 questionnaire results and so far 9000 DNA samples is not to be...
It’s a challenge given the current state of things generally in the health service being a potential excuse to be deployed for inactivity by them...
Presumably the normal usage of the term functional rather than the euphemism for psychosomatic
Hi @Sallycatherineharris.I’m sorry you had a fall, nasty one as you broke your hip, you must have been pretty bruised and shaken up. It’s only 4...
Yep - if they’d said physical stress it would be clear.
Despite it all being old news information to us the fact that it’s badged with Covid 19 is no doubt meaning that people who wouldn’t hear these...
Would be interesting to see Greenhalgh interviewed by @dave30th if that could happen
What does one step at the time even mean?
My limited experience of doing Tai Chi and yoga when I was healthy is that albeit the movement is smooth and not jarring it is like dance a...
Here is the announcement by U.K. committee on vaccines about the proposed new approach for 2023 it’s fairly straightforward to understand without...
Great to see the solidarity :thumbup:
I kept attending because I wanted the box ticked.
Tremor also a common side effect of Pregabalin @shak8
Separate names with a comma.