They certainly asked participants to fill in a chunk of questionnaires at least twice- I was not in any trial
Ok but was Leicester I think
Interesting this is filtering into the Military. As East Midlands based I wonder if they’ve had any contact with Nicola Clague-Baker and...
Clear communication is even more important when dealing with people who might have cognitive difficulties. Informed consent requirement should be...
Another one with the useless Chalder questionnaire they’ve got another for fatigue why would they need 2
good to see the use of the priority setting partnership list
As three of the authors are attached to an organisation called specialist unit for central sensitisation syndromes possibly not a question of not...
There must be a percentage of researchers/medics who adopt bps views to some extent but aren’t full on true believers. If your professor is a...
Just $640 to go :thumbup:
Well done Norway :emoji_trophy:
In my opinion Garner seems desperate to demonstrate his commitment to the belief system within the group by his overzealous promotion of the...
Good. That seems like a good link for individual PWME to use (as it has NHS & NIHR logos) to send to any NHS organisations ICB, local surgeries...
Medically unexplained
Our team includes several professors Professor Janet Lord was announced a few years back as a new collaborator with the OMF Boston Group with the...
Wow. Try reading it out loud and listen to what you’re saying. To be extremely generous it is just about possible that “ just” means simply...
Just channeling @TiredSam :D
Yea just hate the snide “terminology” medically unexplained, perceived symptoms, catasrophising etc etc ugh ugh ugh
We’ll be sorry you’re retiring @dave30th but you deserve it
Or the Belgian/Swiss collaboration SOMA CH WAFFLE
By Frances Ryan
Separate names with a comma.