The whole ‘battle/warrior’ thing really gets my goat. The notion that you have to be fighting in order to deserve sympathy or support. I’ve...
Glad to see @Action for M.E. signing the letter to the Times. This seems to signal a change in position....
Am I right in thinking that the big problem here is technique? Some techniques appear to show the metabolic problems and others don’t. It’s like...
Presumably this paper was written because the authors had no clinical work to do, having had only 30 referrals to the service in total over a 12...
That’s so bloody unfair... sorry Wonko...:(:banghead:
Just to note - this dates from 2008...
I expect that these frequent callers are people who are frightened by their symptoms - be they physical or mental. It just speaks volumes about...
Welcome @chicaguapa and great work!
I’m usually in bed for a good 8-9 hours, but I wake several times in the night. I suspect my actual sleeping time is closer to 6 hours. I’d like...
So glad this went well - keeping my fingers crossed for your treatment @TrixieStix
Well done @Mike Harley :thumbup: :party::party: :trophy@:trophy@
1404 signatures so far...
And me..
Extreme exhaustion Shakiness Feel too hot in my head - my eyelids sweat... Intolerant of noise, light, movement, smells, touch Nauseous...
Surely the fact that CBT doesn’t work negates the hypothesis for this study?
Nath sounds like he really has learned from listening to patients - I get a sense that he takes ME/CFS seriously now... :emoji_fingers_crossed:
Thanks everyone - for sharing the creepy crawley love!!! Seriously, it’s good to know you get it too..
This is a gradually increasing problem for me at the moment... it feels like tiny insects crawling on my skin - not everywhere all the time, but...
Could that be why so many of us have horrible reactions to adrenaline in injections? (E.g. at the dentist)
But - even if that is the belief - what the data keeps showing is that even if you change what people think, it doesn’t actually change their...
Separate names with a comma.