I was told that this trial was going to be published in 6 months' time, which was last week. Since it hadn't, I contacted them asking for an...
Here: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/women-need-the-playing-field-levelled-on-health-outcomes-vgg0fv0zk When women do seek out help, they...
Just to clarify: they proposed that CBT and GET are effective. They conducted small, poor trials and found evidence to support their claim. They...
Although I say this is about the replication crisis, the 'data thugs' don't actually look to replicate. They look at trial data and reveal flaws:...
They are aware of PACE. Nick Brown was a PhD student with James Coyne....
It's about the 'data thugs' who have been challenging junk science, Nick Brown, James Heathers and Jordan Anaya....
Right, OK, thanks. Sometimes I get a bit overly suspicious.
I've just been listening to an excellent radio programme on it. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0bgrhy1
A few things look questionable to me: I don't trust Pariante and he gets two slots. It seems to me that he's trying to introduce beliefs through...
Oh right. Didn't mean to be rude about a friend of yours. Perhaps his experience in Kuwait led to a different view of life. It must have been...
I haven't seen or heard anything. Dieppe is on the dark side. He's into all sorts of quackery: The Clinical Disability Paradox as a Window to...
And the one left on this independent committee was psychiatrist Charlotte Feinmann who had co-authored with... Wessely.
Just looking through these minutes. At meeting #8 of TSC, [redacted, who we know is Paul Dieppe] retires from the DMEC but is not replaced. The...
It shows, I think, how these illnesses are generally understood, and also how the majority of people are absolutely convinced about the...
This is the kind of article I hate. Trying to be sympathetic but perpetuating the psychological myth....
I note you haven't addressed the factual error about AfME's involvement only starting in 2007 which I raise here....
I saw that and think it's an interesting story. Did her experience of standing up for bullied researchers make her more open to believing the...
I've just been looking at that site: First, only researchers at institutions can access it, and it was you patient scientists who revealed the...
I think this is really welcome and thank @Action for M.E. I would just point out that the support for the trial was from before 2007. It started...
That's very interesting. The PDF of Sensky's 1990 is here http://europepmc.org/backend/ptpmcrender.fcgi?accid=PMC1662417&blobtype=pdf They are in...
Separate names with a comma.