Chat on some FB pages today re The Last Leg ( new series starts tonight) - PACE, DWP, kids and GET - could this break into mainstream ? [MEDIA]
Interesting. How low does cortisol (and blood pressure) have to be for this to be considered?
Mmm- the self reported school attendance and lots of long term follow up missing data. I really wonder when the " penny drop" moment will happen .
perhaps to counter Geotzsche?
Given limited geographical reach could a licensed network of biobanks be established- perhaps linked to research establishments? Is there a known...
Who are trustees . Interests and network may shed some light. They also funded SMILE from memory
They didn't need to look at the data - FINE data would have flagged up problems. Eta - responded prior to reading rest of thread
Thank you @dave30th .
I would agree re mild in particular. Education have difficulties construing the level of disability for mild. It is not like "mild diabetes", "...
This should be part of syllabus for medicine students - a day' s experience.
Given the use of numerical scales for other conditions this may make things more readily comprehensible
Seems particularly weird given his input on GWI
does this mean that @Chris Ponting will be able to access it?
Great video @JaimeS - gets prevalence/ funding issue across. [MEDIA]
Thank you @Chris Ponting
Link to smugmug with Glasgow pics. The pandas area reference to the lack of specislists - there are more pandas in scotland (2) than specialists...
Great statistical reference- should enable it to hit home a bit better
This is where ME missed the boat again. A once a year opportunity to gain mainstream coverage and there is no coordinated statement on behalf of...
How many moderate / severe patients take supplements? I suspect there are common combinations, but overall these may be idiosyncratic. How to you...
Separate names with a comma.