Track it with batch calibrated fitbit type devices and you may get an insight on usefulness re each approach from HR and sleep data. How you feel...
I don' t know. It was an early story in her MAIMES campaign so I assume that she is still here.
Sadly people are living longer
@chicaguapa . There are subtle differences in Scottish system re additional support needs ( eg don' t have SENCOs , EHCPs etc - different support...
I' ve emailed a link to our council " quality improvement officer." She was a secondary head and very good at responding to all things educational.
Yes. I' m hoping this is one that will be investigated.
Renamed as .... Schroedinger' s Disease ... Eta Or is this a manifestation of a double bind situation ?
Would signalling not be more to do with uncoupling the supply and demand side of ATP production ?
To be demonstrative should this not be done before and 24, 48 hours after exercise ?
What does the difference in results after 24 hrs mean. If there is a clear difference to healthy controls after 24 hours would even that not imply...
This reminds me of a comment from Myhill' s MAIMES campaign. A husband had ME, basically bedbound His wife was his carer and asked for care to be...
SMILE needs to be demolished to achieve that. If all you did was scan abstracts for evidence bases it would provide a " credible" alternative. Mr...
To have achieved this in full health would gave been difficult. To do so with ME is amazing. I think you need to pick your superhero cloak colour !
Boom or bust by another name
From Twitter
Sadly in many spheres, assessment is reduced to tick boxes with little room for interpretation. Lack of knowledge can also be significant. Check...
I think it may be " in the mix" I have a client who had tetanus jag just prior to onset, my aunt had multiple vaccinations for travel, and there...
In my inbox, for info - growth industry...
Separate names with a comma.