To place this in context, Broadbent was the MAGENTA reviewer who raised concerns re GET and sounded as though she did have a bit of a scooby about...
Thanks @Sly Saint . Autocorrect now off
Thymes have a clear distinction re ME v CFS.
Schools seem to be as much of an issue, if not more. Those who have had Safeguarding proposed / instigated that i know (3) had this happen via...
Re B12 tests - attached is a guide which highlights different types of assay. It' s a NICE document so should provide info suitable for your GP
Thanks @EspeMor You might want to clarify the figures re children though? 5% recovery generally for adults.
does this in any way relate to Lipkind'/ Light's ( sorry can't remember whom) view on epigenetic modulation?
Thank you @Michiel Tack
Access via Twitter. Very interesting research re genetic memory and re- engagement of fetal development genes. Of specific interest for cancer...
Thank you.
This is good news. However given that we have in UK advice that suggests or states that most recover ( 80% +), it should be a priority for...
You can have high blood levels but have a functional deficiency in using it. Folate as @Arnie Pye highlights is critical, as is the ability to...
That would seem to be the reason that actometers are dropped . It may also highlight if people sacrifice one activity to be able to do another....
Looking at the node diagram it is the lack of interconnectedness for CFS that is striking. To me the linear nature perhaps represents a lack of...
Thanks @Hutan Tagging @mariovitali - may be of interest to him
thanks @Binkie4
Thanks for the explanation. Hopefully more research can throw much needed light on mechanisms. The mention of Chris Ponting's work whilst...
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your expertise. It' s my understanding that this may be a comorbidity. It may not be anything definitive...
That assumes you have clinics.
Thanks @Trish
Separate names with a comma.