Thanks for delving into this. Figures are not my strong point, although, thanks to this forum, I am improving. It's AfME who quote the two year...
Thank you @dave30th
Thanks for letting us know @andypants . The null reports are every bit as important as the positive ones .
More drastic action may be required depending on the state of an individual's microbiome. Processed food ' s impact now coming home to roost. Eat...
Is one the recent Forward ME one ? I don' t think figures are available for that one yet? ( Could be wrong)
There was a paper ( late 2017 or early 2018) noting low T3 in pwme - essentially a downregulated system which kind of tied in to the hibernation...
Exactly how the Franco - Prussian war started. Bismarck selectively edited a telegram to make it insulting. Some things don' t change.
Trying to control the narrative again......
Perhaps a sign of getting older is the realisation as to just how much of life is determined by people " winging it" .
Yes, much like the 250,000 with ME that seems to have been the " go - to " figure for a long, long time in UK.
thanks Sarah I will have a look at this. Given that some are serotinergic the lack of side effects being highlighted is a bit worrying....
We argued a case as we have a history of heart conditions in family and some potentially dodgy genes that feed into homocysteine status if...
Lactose and gluten are a no brainer for elimination choices if having gut issues, as are grains. I understand that amitriptyline slows down gut...
have you had your homocysteine tested - this can give a hint for a clue re need for glutathione status?
Given recent experience with NHS dieticians ( diabetes and cancer in wider family members), where simple biochemical mechanisms seemed to be lost...
Thank you for providing a bit more info on this @Simon M . It is much appreciated. Parents' problems are that children and adolescents " recover",...
You would need to be sure of impacts upstream and downstream of this, especially if your liver phase 1 and 2 are unbalanced.
amazing news ! a heartfelt thanks from all parents
By hyperventilation does he mean shallow breathing ( air not getting " right down"?), as opposed to say that associated with anxiety? Not being...
Hopefully better than ethical review for UK.
Separate names with a comma.