Good grief! Not seen that before. I wonder where they found the 'evidence' for that. (In case not obvious, that was sarcasm on my part). They just...
Just a quick double-check @dave30th. "After Berkeley takes a 5% gift fee and a 2.5% credit card fee (except from the few donations made in the...
To be honest Andy, as I assemble my comment here ... I'm confused to. Imagine a graph, time along the horizontal x-axis and "ability to do stuff"...
But how would you necessarily know? Many diseases start with such microscopic effects that build ever faster until they eventually become...
Hopefully that was just a general comment and not specifically for me, because I am 100% aware of what you say as a good number of my posts show.
The more evidence that emerges proving ME is not due to deconditioning, the more it must (surely?) prove their trial claiming to prove it was had...
I can't fully agree with that. My wife (who is the one with ME, mild/moderate) does pace herself extremely well, and seems to have an intuitive...
Maybe, not qualified to answer that. If you look at extremes, then someone who is confined to bed all day with virtually no activity other than...
Unless a new FOI request included enough of the previously released data to reliably marry up new with old anyway, in which case it would make...
Which is why I said this ... ... they would be flagrantly breaching the FOI requests if they did as you suggest. I do agree with you in...
Is it possible that the more severe a pwME is, the more confounding factors there might be? e.g. A severely ill pwME will almost certainly also be...
Do we have access to a UK legal eagle's informal expertise? Maybe first ask them what, if they were acting for Bristol, they would advise Bristol...
That's interesting to know. In which case I can see where you and others are coming from. I think in future, for our own peace of mind, it would...
Not what I was saying. I'm well aware that sort order is inapplicable to a relational database, else it would not be relational. But once you've...
Another very quick thought. We may have to be prepared for the possibility that QMUL may not actually be able to guarantee a particular sort...
Yes. There may well be a disconnect, in terms of sort order, between the two data releases, and there may very well also be a disconnect between...
Would there be any chance of getting them to also include a couple of variables (or however many needed) from the original 2016 release to act as...
Is it possible to have a copy of the unmerged dataset from this recent FOI data release please @JohnTheJack, as supplied to you? I know I could...
Ah ... I see @Lucibee's point now. That's a bummer. The fundamental issue is really that these data releases do not include a unique participant...
Only had a short while to look at this, but I think it is possible to reliably align the original FOI dataset with the new ... unless I'm being...
Separate names with a comma.