This is ridiculous, the patient didn't have long Covid, she had about 7 weeks prolonged recovery from acute covid then got better. Many of the...
Hi @Nitro802, welcome to the forum. Can you tell us more about the article, such as where you hope to get it published and what particular...
It seems like the sort of situation where a next step might usefully be to take fresh blood samples from a restricted population group to enable...
If the microclots are, as suggested, an artefact of the process and only present in vitro, then the question that needs to be asked is, why are...
I met someone many years ago with ME who was an Alexander teacher. She moved very carefully and sat and stood very upright, but it made no...
I'd like to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation. I hope she gave him both barrels. The idea that someone so sick as Whitney is...
He may have been invited before the Walitt NIH study was published.
A very impressively thorough overview of the situation, @ME/CFS Skeptic. Thank you.
The BDI-PC is a 7 item questionnaire with each item rated on a 4 point scale (0–3). It is scored by summing ratings for each item (range 0–21)....
Hmm. I started reading but gave up. It seems to be a hypothesis from a non scientist based on cobbling together anecdotes, blogs by other non...
If the training is in the form of 'be a good listener, don't argue with or offer advice on how people manage their lives, and have a pile of...
I don't remember coming across this author before. She has written other articles and done talks on the subject. Since I can only read the...
Are they saying high degrees of perfectionism predicts improvement?
Wow, you have achieved so much good work in your first 5 years. What a team. :trophy@Thank you.
I think that's important. Single time point or single day upright and activity is not necessarily an indicator of health on that day, it needs to...
Do you mean financial incentives? I'm not sure what you are saying here. If we all worked on fundraising for research instead of using our energy...
That seems like cheating. They should report the overall figure, not cherry pick the one piece of data for those who did better that looks impressive.
I strongly disagree with the suggestion that patients should not be discussing the details of scientific research and should devote our energies...
I was also going to suggest time upright as a daily measure, ideally captured automatically with a wearable if possible. I think for 'in the...
I fainted a few times as a child and young adult before ME/CFS, but the cause was identifiable, eg standing too long in hot weather, severe pain...
Separate names with a comma.