Anyone fancy working on a letter to BACME spelling out all the problems with their materials and asking them to update them? Not me at the moment....
The video is a talk Katie Johnstone gave to the Local ME network. Edit: correction - the ME Local Network. I started trying to watch this but...
Thanks for the notes, Hutan. I watched it too but rather inattentively. I was shocked to hear at the end Walitt recommending brain training even...
Our aim here is to enable open discussion of any published science without fear or favour. That way we hope to help each other to understand how...
The sample sizes, especially once they are split into male and female subsets, are so small it's hard to know what to make of these results. I...
I think a model or set of models also has to account for those of us whose problems are more with physical rather than cognitive symptoms, or...
I completely agree with you, @tuha. Throughout my ME/CFS I have repeatedly pushed myself to and through exhaustion, pain, nausea etc etc., and...
Given that several studies have found between sex biological differences in ME/CFS, I think it's possible we may need two separate models.
Given that anyone with mild ME can become severe very quickly, and, perhaps more rarely, the reverse can happen, I agree the model needs to...
The key for me is it must provide a biological explanation of delayed PEM.
I have had a reply: I am considering a response. I probably don't have the energy to pursue this further. At least the subject has been raised...
Are these the same article with a different title?
Separate names with a comma.