Further work is needed to define quantitative markers of positive outcomes, in order to assess the relative efficacy of different treatment...
Yep. Complete and utter failure. Simply no way around that.
No danger of creating and perpetuating overpsychologization? This is reification gone mad. These clowns see only what they want to see. At our...
I thought White had retired. Or was that just a retirement from being held to account?
The one possibility they will never consider is that they might be wrong, and doing terrible harm on a massive scale. Therefore, it is the fault...
objective evidence Well, there's your problem right there. Get hip with the subjectivophilia, dude. It's all the rage! :whistle:
+1 Euthanasia is not choosing to die. It is choosing how to die, according to your needs and values.
Seeing as they are incapable of using non-drug therapies effectively and safely, I see no good reason why they should be allowed prescribing...
So, pretty much whatever the clinician wants it to be, then? Tells us far more about what is going on in Chalder's mind than in those of...
Stopped there. Any argument that starts from such a ludicrous premise, is manifestly unsafe.
Any YouTube links to them?
This. There is a critical difference between wanting to also have what somebody else has, and wanting to deny it to them because you don't have...
Not that it stopped them from continuing ever since to relentlessly claim that their critics are "anti-psychiatry".
I might pass on watching this. Somehow I don't think I could stomach it.
I generally don't wish suffering upon others. But these clowns need a solid dose of ME to find out just how insanely wrong and cruel they are.
I think that is the most common finding in all science papers. :nerd:
Call me old fashioned, but I always thought the cure for unemployment and its consequences was employment, not being psychologised.
My eyes are not the best these days, but I am pretty sure that letter says the winner is @dave30th, and Crawley & Bristol are not. :) Well...
This is my surprised face: :bored:
Separate names with a comma.