The great irony in all this is that it's the PACE authors themselves - Michael Sharpe included - who give the appearance of not having read the...
An individual donor could make a lot more difference with their money by giving to an underresearched disease than one that's relatively awash...
BTW, I think this fundraising issue could do with its own thread - it's very important and people with an interest in it might not notice it under...
I'm currently reading Doing Good Better (about effective philanthropy) and noticed an average figure of $4 raised for every $1 spent on...
I agree with you that we should be able to fund research at a far higher level than we do, but for some reason, we don't. I'd love to see some...
I think this key point needs amplifying.
I think that the issue with #MEA is that not only are the costs and work hidden but that the output isn't clear, in the sense that it's not clear...
Hi Jen - I hope you're recovering well from your surgery and are taking it easy. Sorry it has taken me this long to respond to your posts, and...
Do you know if he's published anything on this (or is on video talking about it anywhere), please?
What does he say about them?
I doubt that people are aware of the costs, because it's all happening behind the scenes and in private FB and Slack etc. groups that people who...
I've started a thread specifically about donating to the UK fund, in which I've used some of your arguments to explain why it's needed, @JenB, and...
The donation link to fund the UK organiser is here: Gift Aid If you pay tax in the UK, you can...
(This new thread arises from discussions on a couple of other threads - it seemed like a good idea to have a new thread on the 'how' and 'why' to...
The difficulty is that in saying that ME is 'primarily biological', #MEA is currently making a positive statement that ME is partly psychological...
Just removing the word 'primarily' would do the job for me. :) And I think it would be very easy to knock down that house of straw. They don't...
I'm trying to make the distinction between psychological causes and psychological consequences. I think that what you and @Esther12 are talking...
I wonder if the Voices team have ever considered doing a short version for the purposes of advocating to busy people in positions of power who...
It doesn't seem that way to me at all. Doesn't 'Cancer is partly a psychological disease' sound wrong to you? Anyway, I'm off to bed. :)
That's where we differ, and I think it's very important that that conflation is avoided. Perhaps that's the basis for others using the offending...
Separate names with a comma.