Netflix is just for Netflix subscribers, isn't it? Apparently Netflix has 7.5m UK subscribers, but that's only about 10% of the population. I...
Are there plans for Unrest to be shown on a UK TV network, @JenB? That could have an enormous impact here.
It's here, @Luther Blissett: [MEDIA]
A little bump for this. I wonder if they'll be tweeting?
You have to log into FB to see anything at all there (not necessary on a lot of FB pages). I'm not on FB so can't see anything.
Got a link?
She certainly has - I noticed this one on Twitter, and among hundreds of images that I saw on May 12, this is the one that has stuck with me. [MEDIA]
God forbid they do it according to societal need.
Just about to go for a big lie-down myself but what about starting a new thread with that request in order to draw maximum attention to it? Lots...
Very good - thank you @Gary Burgess and Dr Shepherd. :thumbup:
Would it be good to add that action to the thread title?
Although a poll would be quick and easy (I see the attraction!) we need proper epidemiology, not a poll. A poll would be enormously biased by the...
I noticed that Jen commented on that one, @Andy! :) [MEDIA]
Duplicate thread merged Jackson Labs is Derya Unumatz's place and here's an interesting and recent interview by someone called Courtney with Jen...
I hope it's OK with @JenB that I'm posting this - happy to remove it and/or have it transferred to somewhere that #MEA would prefer (@JaimeS). I...
Thanks, Luther, that's clever - it wouldn't take much to make it readable. I'll do that now.
How about starting a new thread asking for volunteers to transcribe speeches?
I had the impression that Jen's speech was already written out and that she was just reading it (not Ron's, though!).
Bummer. But at least he was willing to do it in the first place, so contacting him & his party are worth doing in this instance, I think.
Separate names with a comma.