Interesting: The Chairman announced she had attended a meeting the previous week [of the CMRC] and had found it very interesting. Dr Charles...
I see Dr Muirhead was at the last Forward ME meeting: From the...
I wonder if there's any help we can offer her?
OK, so Jarred Younger's talk on the video is at 5:27:45: [MEDIA] Wondering what your thoughts are, if you've had a chance to watch this,...
BTW, the study that she mentioned as indicating a need to get better life-expectancy figures for ME/CFS because it indicates that we die, on...
Wow, what an asset! Worth inviting her to the forum, @Trish? (Not sure who to tag!) :)
This was really cheering, and to me, a strong indication of how deep the change has gone at the CMRC.
Thanks for posting, @Sly Saint. I realise you've posted this in the Recruitment subforum, but I wonder if it would be good to edit the title to...
In an ideal world, a competent health economist would be found to undertake a review who is familiar with (or can be made familiar with) the...
IIRC, OMF had the facility for people to submit questions online during the livestream, which was a great idea (although it stuffed up a bit on...
Same here. If these people don't act in the best interests of patients, there's less than no point in them.
Thank you, @dave30th.
I agree - as many of us should be giving who can, IMO. Sorry you had aggro over this. I still do wonder why the very rich don't spend more on...
I thought that RA tended to hit people later than ME/CFS, and that more PWRA would have had a chance to earn/inherit their billions by then. And...
But now I feel so bad for the PWRA... Surely there must be a billionaire PWRA who'd want to get this done...
This is both fascinating and horrific. Aren't there RA charities who should be clamouring for this work? And raising funds to pay for it? Do you...
Very interesting concept in the Mark Jones thing in looking at the genes of not only an individual with a particular disease but also their...
This thread has been split from the conference thread here Prof Alain Moreau presented on the 'Identification of post-exertional dysregulated...
Three other videos up now: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.