In our family on the CPET, in addition to low oxygen uptake during exercise, we also have a wide pulse pressure. Our youngest daughter, now 13...
Ubiquinol at breakfast and also at lunch. Taking it too late in the day makes it hard for me to sleep. If I've got a late afternoon/evening that...
Article: "Monsanto fed Reuters reporter Kate Kelland info to discredit IARC researcher"...
Yesterday, at the grocery store I had momentary weakness in my right hand as I was putting a jar of tomato sauce into my cart. I ended up dropping...
@JaimeS I'm so sorry you are going through this. I have the weakness most heavily in my right foot and leg. Sometimes my leg will just go...
Here is the 2019 National UMDF Conference info. Yep 2019. I checked. :banghead: It's in Washington, DC. Mitochondrial Medicine 2019:...
I haven't heard Bruce Barshop previously speak. However, his recent article "Promises and pitfalls of untargeted metabolomics" was very...
Ooops. That conference was Feb 2018. I'm losing it. Sorry Here is the link I had in the original post.
I agree with @Barry In our family with mitochondrial disease caused by the same mtDNA variants, we each have different energy needs. Several of...
I've gotten several notes from people stating that they missed the free days for my book on Amazon. For anyone who missed it, my book will be...
Wigglethemouse gave me a heads-up about this live event later today. Bateman Horne Center "Please join us for our free live stream event,...
Thanks @Mithriel I agree. In the 2014 study "Impairment of Myocardial Mitochondria in Viral Myocardial Disease and Its Reflective Window in...
There is no one tool I use. Generally, I'll first do a quick Google search of "G15150A" and then "15150G>A". Generally this will bring up what I...
Well said. These little machines within us can have multiple places where dysfunction can occur, that have similar results. There can be multiple...
Thank you @Ravn There are many scientists who have expressed interest in hunting for ME predisposing variant combinations. How far along and...
Thanks @Hutan Very interesting. At one of the UMDF (United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation) conferences I attended last year, one of the mito...
@Trish. You’re welcome. It was my pleasure. None of the tests are perfect. The cheapest way to determine your maternal haplogroup is through...
Great questions @Trish . My brain stopped working a few hours ago, so I’ll do my best to answer now -- fully knowing my answer may sound like...
Thank you! :hug:
Hi Alvin, Something I learned recently was that e-books don't have well defined page numbers. Because one person might read the book on a...
Separate names with a comma.