[MEDIA] I wonder if the RCN are aware that the NHS websites have not been properly updated since the new ME/CFS guidelines? (and that there is a...
job ad Research Fellow - Biostatistician (0.4FTE) London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - Department of Clinical Research...
haha, no. just an ordinary bus,. people squeezed past to get to the middle/back of the bus. But there was no cheese and wine.
Had my booster today (pfizer). A friend emailed me to say they were doing walk in booster jabs in a morrisons carpark a short drive away and...
The challenges and opportunities associated with phage therapy 7th January 2022 Dr Zemphira Alavidze, a medical microbiologist at Phage Therapy...
Abstract Background Patients with functional neurological disorders (FND) often present with multiple motor, sensory, psychological and cognitive...
Study has been approved by the South African Health Authority for individuals with documented COVID-19 infections who develop debilitating...
20 December 2021 E-005634/2021 Question for written answer E-005634/2021 to the Commission Rule 138 Günther Sidl (S&D) [IMG] Subject: Chronic...
@Valerie Eliot Smith might have some useful info (suggest you contact via pm).
not aware of PubPeer before; PACE trial is up there https://pubpeer.com/publications/B746FEC462E026347C5D46BB6A7644 eta: doesn't seem that...
Cochrane training manual: Chapter 5: Collecting data https://training.cochrane.org/handbook/current/chapter-05#_Ref515528070 (many issues...
Nelson T, Zhang LX, Guo H, Nacul L, Background: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a multisystem medical condition...
Covid Science: Virus leaves antibodies that may attack healthy tissues By Nancy Lapid 4 minute read...
not a very good article in the FT,; no mention of ME, and it says "Women, people with obesity, and those who were on invasive mechanical...
see full thread [MEDIA]
Very PACE trial based information. eg" Adverse effects Surveys by patient groups of their members have suggested that GET may be harmful to some...
Job ad NHS Sheffield posting this here rather than on the ME/CFS services because it looks like they are now increasingly integrating the two...
The Health and Social Care Committee’s Expert Panel: Evaluation of the Government’s progress against its policy commitments in the area of mental...
Charities and the Freedom of Information Act Date posted: 06/02/2020...
that's odd the link doesn't work anymore. oh well here's the google scholar one https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=6rmDrdUAAAAJ&hl=en
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