So I arrived in Melbourne on Wednesday afternoon. I’ll be in Australia for several weeks for meetings, interviews and general...
AfME have been on PR for a long time and they have never taken advantage of that. As someone else has said before, they acted as usual, tried to...
Caroline C. Kingdon, Erinna W. Bowman, Hayley Curran, Luis Nacul, Eliana M. Lacerda Background People with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic...
Wow. If there are no changes in the final report, that is a very very encouraging news. Especially given the number of psychobabblers in the...
SALT LAKE CITY, UT — The illness commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome is complex and currently incurable, but clinicians can still do a...
I don't know if Ponting will manage to change things radically, but he seems willing to engage with patients: [MEDIA]
Another article Royal College of Psychiatrists leaders accused of 'dangerous' and 'misleading' comments on antidepressant withdraw...
OMG, the explainations given by the psychiatrist at around 1h20 are just so unbelievably bad. Always the weird comparisons with the way our brain...
It starts at 1h05. The first patient talking was in fact suffering from depression, and got better with antidepressants and CBT. I think this is...
Oups... sorry (added to my previous post)
The analysis suggests that adverse experiences both in childhood and adulthood are associated with the development of functional neurological...
Teaser... [MEDIA]
Well, at least France is not producing and exporting a massive amount of psych bullshit on ME (our old guard psychoanalists are too occupied with...
Well, in term of ME research, that is really true, as there is no research in France, appart from a handfull of small studies..
Another article: 'Medical Symptoms That Medicine Can't Hear': A Conversation With Maya Dusenbery...
There are two issues here: one is the structure of the health care and the second is that of health professionals. The design of the French...
For the first time in France, there is an opinion piece written by a PwME in a mainstream newspaper, Le Figaro (conservative), with not an inch of...
New letter from @dave30th to Archives of Disease in Childhood: Trial By Error: My Exchange With Archives of Disease in Childhood...
While I'm delighted to see Crawley out, and being replaced by Ponting, I believe for a true biomedical approach to be set up, there are still...
Separate names with a comma.