I think there is a more fundimental issue in how they are using the modelling. They should be running over a number of permutations so that they...
My impression is that they will carefully choose who is on the advisory group so they get people who will agree. I also suspect Cochrane are a...
And advisors tell them that they think they want to hear.
I wonder if they were simply listening to the wrong people. We've seen how many senior people in health in this country don't seem capable of...
On newsnight they are saying one of the advisory panel (Neil Ferguson from imperial) had done some modelling and was predicting >250000 deaths so...
Is there a risk of picking up the virus from touching surfaces. For example, lift buttons, hand rails etc. I was assuming this was the bigger risk...
Sometimes I wonder if there is a problem with peoples understanding when they say that they are following 'science'. It suggests that they think...
This is something I've been wondering about. Is it that if someone comes into a lot of the virus (high dose) then it starts having an effect...
The problem comes if everyone is trying to shop when no one is shopping and going at quiet times. Then perhaps peak times will be quiet.
With any modelling task you can include a mix of strategies (sometimes they can interact in strange ways). But I think the visualizations help...
This looks like an interesting article visualizing spread patterns etc https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/
I was wondering if people are self iscolating and avoiding shops (basically living off food that lasts well) then perhaps supplements may be...
The British Immunology Society issues this statement a couple of days ago around herd immunity...
I think Nina has done some type of survey of what is talked and asked for materials but didn't get much back from that. If I remember correctly...
We've now been told to work at home if possible and not to come into the office for 14 days if we have traveled to a different 'metropolitan...
I also get the impression the science is very uncertain and can be contradictory. It could reflect different subgroups as well.
There is a virology blog on vacine creation http://www.virology.ws/2020/03/11/sars-cov-2-the-vaccine-landscape/
I would suspect that and also they would tend to meet people outside of their normal circle of contacts. I think its interesting that the company...
What I heared this evening on the radio about canceling events was someone saying that spread within open air events such as sport events won't be...
I heard something on the radio suggesting that some of the cheap masks were not very useful as the virus would get through the holes in the...
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