Why are these people so unembarrassed about doing exercises set to caution undergraduates about using terminology without considering whether they...
It's probably normal, though, for memory to "lose" spans of time that passed without much physical or emotional stimulation and when the brain was...
When we were calculating these for a relative, we had to evidence them. Purely by luck one of us subscribed to Amazon Prime, so there was a...
It might be difficult to unpick even if the right questions had been asked in population studies, especially with cohorts that included older...
Yes, with banking I often have to use two-factor authentication as well, but that's mainly because I don't use banking apps. Most of the 3rd party...
As @Wonko says, you don't need to remember the smartphone's number to use apps. You give the organisation the number of whatever phone you want to...
Some apps do require a number, but it doesn't have to be the number of that device—just enter the number of the phone that you use for calls. I...
@JemPD, can you use the apps on a smartphone okay? It's really the texting that's the problem? If so, maybe having both types of phone is the...
I guess they probably would. Those diseases can also affect every social aspect of people's lives (career, education, family, recreation, etc),...
They are, I had a full colonoscopy without sedation for the same reason: I don't want to have to have a friend with me for 24 hours afterwards,...
I'd forgotten about this—yes, it's another phenomenon. For me it's different to the more routine loss of time due to being in standby mode during...
I lose time too, but it's always featureless time. I might be unaware of whether I've made toilet visits, but I don't fail to recall things that...
I was advised I'd need a couple of hours to recover, and that they'd prefer to keep me on the ward for some time after I'd come round to make sure...
That was my first thought, but might it be something that could easily be overlooked? If the ferritin levels were higher than normal but not high...
People often seem to direct this question to the ME Association. I think they even had a list of ME-friendly GPs at one point that members had...
If your friends and contacts use WhatsApp, @JemPD, maybe just download that onto your computer once you have your smartphone? It doesn't work...
Just after Christmas I nagged someone to contact his MP about a welfare issue—he hadn't done so because he assumed, as a Conservative, they'd be...
It's been absolutely devastating for wildlife, I only hope it doesn't jump to humans in a form that's easily transmissible.
We clearly need ChatGPT in our advocacy team! :laugh: Be fun to send the result to one of the Cochrane email addresses, if you have the energy.
...and I missed it!
Separate names with a comma.