Amazing how much info you are able to communicate in your videos @Adam pwme A summary of the whole ME saga in seven minutes is quite a deed!
As for now, there's no indication that the article has had any updates since it first got published 16th of May. [ATTACH]
It's not spelled differently and they even misspelled it twice.. It's a well known university here, and the Crown Prince of Norway is listed among...
[MEDIA] ETA: He shares links to other articles too
A sentence about @dave30th has now been added to the article (my bold). NAFKAM-direktør Jong forteller til Dagbladet at grunnlaget deres for...
Dear Joan Crawford and Dionne Joseph. Thank you SO much for this. It means the world when also professionals are speaking up to show that this is...
Agree. It's as if they believe that it's people who are sceptical of LP that are responsible for it not working for everyone.
[MEDIA] Dagbladet has published an opinion piece from Recovery Norge in support of the LP study. We believe it is worrying that individuals and...
The editor from Dagbladet writes: But of course, we fully understand that your academic background is relevant regarding this topic, so we have...
Tuller finally received a response from Dagbladet, and sent quite some reply! Trial by Error: A response from Dagbladet Your reporter and your...
Chairman of the Norwegian ME Association, Bjørn K. Getz Wold wrote a good response to Dagbladet and their recent coverage about the "ME war". A...
The Norwegian ME Association has asked the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) a few questions. Among other about the institute's support...
Only had a brief look when I saw Retraction Watch sharing it earlier today on twitter. Seems to drag ME patients into the conspiracies :(
Blog post from Nina E. Steinkopf Wyller's hypothesis from 2007 is that CFS / ME is a sustained arousal stress response and that personality,...
The Swedish newspaper Expressen had yesterday an article about 27 year old Sofia who suffers from Ehler-Danlos syndrome and ME, but wasn't...
Signe Flottorp, research director at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) sent a letter to the Norway's National Research Center in...
Jørn Tore Haugen has written a letter to Dagbladet criticising their article. It's also available as a guest blog at Sissel Sunde's blog "Life...
chef’s kiss [ shefs kis ] WHAT DOES CHEF'S KISS MEAN? Chef's kiss is a gesture and expression meant to show something is perfect or excellent....
Separate names with a comma.