I thought that cancer recovery/cure was defined as the time point after treatment when the risk to that individual of that specific cancer...
Looks interesting. Though not sure about this: "characterized by non-specific symptoms,... post exertion malaise" Non-specific? In my...
Had general anesthetic twice, one for stomach biopsy, and another for septoplasty. Didn't make any noticeable difference to my ME.
And using an opaque clinical method, thus preventing rigorous independent testing.
This newly re-elected government will 1) be facing some serious budget problems (of their own making, I might add), and 2) are always very keen to...
Happy for Jen. But, as Esther12 noted, this just highlights the problem with celebrity patients (for want of a better term).
And typically far harder to convince they are wrong.
Sounds familiar. Let me see... Ah, yes: The time has come to look elsewhere for effective treatments. Rethinking the treatment of chronic...
True. But also true that they didn't have to wait decades before even just starting to get their real situation recognised by the health...
That is also pretty much a straight lift. Could have been written by Wessely himself.
They have backed themselves into a corner from which there is now no honourable way out. And that never ends well. Opaque methodology, plus...
The 'too much of a burden to patients' excuse was obvious nonsense when they first used it, and the TMG notes obtained later prove it was also a...
That statement is going to come back to haunt Prof Sharpe.
Which implies very strongly that it is caused by unhelpful beliefs.
Would really appreciate any videos like this being posted on YouTube as well, if possible. :thumbup:
I don't think there is any doubt that the BPS crowd have deliberately obfuscated the distinction between GET and pacing, and tried to morph GET...
Yeah, excuse me if my cynicism is running sky-high on this. They must have had all this data aligned at some point in order to do their own...
Jail terms are appropriate for the worst offenders, along with permanent loss of professional licences. The lack of accountability for this...
I agree with a distinction between research and the clinic. 'Measure everything' is not a valid clinical approach. But it is not necessarily so...
Separate names with a comma.