Parents will have significant concerns. Not just in the local area, but nationally.
This is not the sideways move that bodes well for children @chicaguapa @afme through their advocacy with falsely accused families, and recent...
The International pediatric primer has a section on this - it also has confirmation of severe ME in children - perhaps Dr Rowe could be invited to...
Welcome @Docsimsim . I read your paper via PR last year -from the mother if a teenager affected it was much appreciated. I think at the time i...
As a newbie to the ME world, it has been on online forums where i have become acquainted with the history, gained the best advice, become...
I hope Tania on PR takes advantage of this.
How much other research is still unfinished/ unpublished and how does this bode for the scrapping of CNT/ GET? If the basic diagnostic criteria...
Interesting I' d looked at fructose due to the role it plays in both NAFLD and insulin resistance with more of a molecular overview. The deciding...
Fructose is the one sugar that's not used by cells for energy : it' s dumped in the liver and can contribute to non alcoholic fatty liver disease...
I have concerns re children given that the bulk of research is frankly diabolical and not concerned with ME at all.
Whilst I think it's generally accepted that Oxford is obsolete , there is still a problem agreeing a criteria for research. Fukada isn't great...
Thanks @hellytheelephant I never thought of gumtree- i feel a search coming on ....
I' not much good at twitter , but it might be something coyne could highlight in his own inimitable way?
Stigma and pride are an awful combination. My daughter would not countenance one. We got one on loan from red cross for going away for a week...
I don' t know. Storm in the head sounds awful. There is dome thought that T2 levels modulate fat burning. It could be this for my aunt- she has...
Keto would work for those who have pyruvate/ glycolysis issues- fats being an alternative energy source. Also good where insulin resistance /...
Coyne has a few good tweets re ACE definitions, prevalence and basic crap methodology
Don' t know if this is the same ?
Good luck accessing anything other than standard testing.
Separate names with a comma.