A Norwegian news site for research has written an article about the music therapy study. The journalist is Ingrid Spilde who has written several...
I was wondering the same, but now I see he's going to attend via video
Here's a presentation of Simone Ragavooloo, the Research Integrity Coordinator from BMJ: With formal academic qualifications in biological...
Trial By Error: BMJ Responds to Appeals About Norway's CBT-Music Therapy Study This morning, I received a message from BMJ’s “research integrity...
Merged thread ME conference on PEM 14-15th Oct 2020 The Swedish patient organisation RME is organising an ME conference about PEM. 14th October...
Wyller has written a reply to an opinion piece by Sigmund Olafsen (shared in the News from Scandinavia thread here). Once again he defends the...
OMF has translated the interview into English Covid-19 and ME News Flash from Uppsala
Nina E. Steinkopf has taken a further look into rulings in the National Insurance Court in Norway regarding benefits for patients with ME. It's...
Uppsala University with article about prof. Jonas Bergquist who is going to investigate samples from Covid-19 patients and believes this may...
The Norwegian ME Association has a guest blog from father to a son who suffers from ME. He tells how he regrets following prof Wyller's advice on...
It wasn't, then it was, then it wasn't :confused:
Swedish media reports that the whistle blowers in the Macchiarini case are now seeking compensation. The so-called whistleblowers in the...
Risk factors for suicide in chronic fatigue syndrome Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) includes symptoms such as...
My apologies! This is already discussed here:...
https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD003200.pub8/information#whatsNew Date Event Description 21 May 2020 Amended...
There's an update from May 21st 2020 https://www.cochrane.org/CD003200/DEPRESSN_exercise-treatment-adults-chronic-fatigue-syndrome
I'm sceptical when they start selling before providing documentation regarding effect, but nothing would be better than if it really turns out to...
More information from 17th Jan 2020 from CORDIS (The Community and Research and Development Information Service), the European Commission's...
Separate names with a comma.