I think it is a great idea and was very enthusiastic about the ME awareness account and hashtag in the beginning. But got increasingly annoyed...
The article was picked up by Medscape. Long, but interesting read. The seeming suddenness of his expulsion, and what critics view as its...
Indeed. I am so impressed with her writing, filled with gems like this: Rather than greet a year with open arms and loud cheers, I tend to avoid...
Another wise blog post from Naomi Whittingham: The human mind likes to organise and label. We collect up days and file them as years and...
Was a bit unsure where to put this, but interesting blog post from Sissel Sunde who asked the Norwegian National Competence Service for CFS/ME...
That's nice to see. Articles like these are so important. I lived a few years in Italy and nobody I mentioned it to had ever heard about it....
Thought it might be nice to have a list of the best and/or biggest ME articles of 2019 in main stream media. Here's a start. Medscape Chronic...
Nature: Comparing meta-analysis and preregistered multiple-laboratory replication projects - Amanda Kvarven, Eirik Strømland & Magnus Johannesson...
How wonderful to hear @Woolie That's such good news and I'm very, very happy for you!
NIH: National Human Genome Research Institute: Researchers discover a new autoinflammatory disease called CRIA syndrome “It was as if lightning...
Local newspaper Indre Akershus Blad with article about record high research allocations to hospital Ahus which is located in Oslo. The institution...
Fokus på ME (Focus on ME) is a small Norwegian charity organising ME-conferences and fundraising for ME research by Olav Mella and Øystein Fluge...
Yes, he's been a wonderful voice for ME patients. His background is in neonatal care, but he's been involved with ME for decades and is one of few...
There were signatures from others as well, as previous patients. But leader Henrik Vogt has no reason to get offended when critics point out that...
Nina E. Steinkopf - ME patient and blogger who initiated a petition against the Norwegian Competence Center for CFS/ME and their biopsychosocial...
Lightning Process coach Live Landmarks summary of the study: New ME research: PEM can identify patients with greatest benefit from psychological...
Editorial in Acta Pædiatricia: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) in the Young. Time to Repent - Ola Didrik Saugstad A reorientation of the...
Article in local newspaper. It's paywalled, but the ingress says: Severely ill Christin is moving - 20 miles away from her family Christin...
Separate names with a comma.