Any comments, @Jonathan Edwards?
I wasn't sure what he meant by that. But I do wonder whether actimeters helped patients to pace, or made them more aware of overdoing it. What's...
Massively surprising to me! :arghh:
From another thread: I don't generally expect PWME to have much spontaneous improvement, especially those of us who've been ill for a long time....
I think it's very interesting - but I'm wondering how far we are from an ME-specific biomarker that distinguishes us from other diseases as well...
I'm thinking of a diagnostic biomarker for ME, like diabetes has one for diabetes - not just to show that there's some sort of problem that may...
Oh... thread here... :cry::arghh:
Oh crap... I'd even been wondering how to mail myself to Norway to get treatment...
Oh crap... Where is this coming from, though, Kalliope? Have Fluge and Mella said so? Bit worried about jumping to conclusions...
Wouldn't it need to show differences between ME patients and other diseases, though? I'm not sure if those tests do.
That's a good point - my apologies to Charles.
That's disappointing, and rather confusing, because Charles did a 16-page report on last year's IiME conference, that he made available on the MEA...
Thanks, @Kalliope - let's hope Hilde keeps posting! Do we know if there's a hashtag to look out for on Twitter?
Discuss. :) Curious about your thoughts concerning the process by which one will be chosen, @Jonathan Edwards. Is it now likely that there will...
Any update on this, Kalliope? Just realised it's Day 2 today! Are you attending the conference?
I'm impressed that you've read them all! @Jo Best, as the card-owner, can you clean out those duplicates before the card is sent (or have...
82 comments now on Tuller's blog post.
689 signatures this morning, and only until 30 Nov to go. I'd love to see it go over that 1,000 mark, because it would be great for IiME to be...
Separate names with a comma.